Allentown organization set to announce the opening of New Freedom School Saturday May 17th 12:00pm


Where: Resurrected Life Community Church – Church Steps
144 North Ninth Street Allentown

When: Saturday May 17, 2014 - 12:00PM

Within a city that has one of the highest drop-out rates and lowest per pupil expenditures among all school districts in the commonwealth, the Resurrected Community Development Corporation (RCDC) in partnership with the Children’s Defense Fund will begin strategically addressing the mis and under-education of African American, Latino and Poor White students in the city of Allentown with the opening of its Freedom School in the summer of 2014.

Join the Rev. Jim Lawson, Dr. King’s Chief Strategist for Non-Violent Direct Action, Rev. Gregory J. Edwards, CEO and President of RCDC,  members of  various faith communities, school age children, college students, parents, and key community stakeholders as they announce publicly the start of a new and innovative opportunity for children and families living in the city of Allentown. 

Freedom Schools are not charter schools or traditional public schools. Rather Freedom Schools are summer long enrichment initiatives that nurture life in defiance of the systems which do not operate in the best interest of the disadvantaged.  A recent evaluation shows that 90% of the children in Freedom Schools either hold on to or increase their literacy rates following participation; in spite of communities and structures that continue to raise barriers for children, especially children of color from impoverished communities. Freedom Schools provide young people with skills in critical thinking and conflict resolution, in the ability to identify and explore problems in their neighborhoods and to become change agents, partners in finding solutions.  Rooted in the American civil rights movement and the courageous efforts of young people to make a difference, Freedom Schools create a safe and culturally relevant learning space in which young people find their voice and vocation.  In any Freedom School across this country, you will see children defying the odds – you will find them clapping and chanting, laughing and loving, singing and shouting, dancing, dreaming, and daring to be all God has created them to be.  Kids who struggled in school fall in love with reading and books, with learning and working, with the certainty that they are somebody wonderful.

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