After meeting with interfaith group, Allentown mayor decides to nominate Gregory Edwards for NIZ board after all


THE MORNING CALL | FEB 25, 2020 | 7:07 PM

Edwards will almost certainly not be joining the Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority anytime soon. Browne, Schweyer and O’Connell each are in charge of making appointments to three seats on the ANIZDA board, and thanks to a bylaw change last month, each has the power to veto another’s pick. In other words, all three need to agree on every nominee before Allentown City Council votes on appointment.

Schweyer said Tuesday he still planned to reject Edwards’ nomination.
“Nothing over the last couple of months makes me think this is the right appointment,” Schweyer said. “I’m hoping we can move past this drama and identify someone who’s willing to serve and understands how important the NIZ is to the redevelopment of downtown.”
Browne said he’s never spoken to Edwards but doesn’t think he would be an appropriate member “based on recent activities.”
“His intentions would not be in line with the legal purpose for which the program was established: to maximize investment in the zone,” Browne said. “I do not believe he would advance that legal purpose, and members of the ANIZDA board don’t have the legal discretion to deviate.” Read full article here

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